Automatically Translate text and documents from one language to another, with automatic identification of the source language.

Supported target languages: afr (Afrikaans), amh (Amharic), ara (Arabic), ast (Asturian), aze (Azerbaijani), bak (Bashkir), bel (Belarusian), bul (Bulgarian), ben (Bengali), bre (Breton), bos (Bosnian), cat (Catalan), ceb (Cebuano), ces (Czech), cym (Welsh), dan (Danish), deu (German), ell (Greek), eng (English), esp (Spanish), est (Estonian), fas (Persian), ful (Fulah), fin (Finnish), fra (French), fry (Frisian), gaa (Ga), gla (Scottish Gaelic), glg (Galician), guj (Gujarati), haq (Hausa), heb (Hebrew), hin (Hindi), hrv (Croatian), hat (Haitian Creole), hun (Hungarian), hye (Armenian), ind (Indonesian), ibo (Igbo), ilo (Ilocano), isl (Icelandic), ita (Italian), jpn (Japanese), jav (Javanese), kat (Georgian), kaz (Kazakh), khm (Khmer), kan (Kannada), kor (Korean), ltz (Luxembourgish), lug (Luganda), lin (Lingala), lao (Lao), lit (Lithuanian), lav (Latvian), mlg (Malagasy), mkd (Macedonian), mal (Malayalam), mon (Mongolian), mar (Marathi), msa (Malay), mya (Burmese), nep (Nepali), nld (Dutch), nor (Norwegian), oci (Occitan), ori (Oriya), pan (Punjabi), pol (Polish), pus (Pashto), por (Portuguese), ron (Romanian), rus (Russian), snd (Sindhi), sin (Sinhala), slk (Slovak), slv (Slovenian), som (Somali), sqi (Albanian), srp (Serbian), ssw (Swati), sun (Sundanese), swe (Swedish), swa (Swahili), tam (Tamil), tha (Thai), tgl (Tagalog), tsn (Tswana), tur (Turkish), ukr (Ukrainian), urd (Urdu), uzb (Uzbek), vie (Vietnamese), wol (Wolof), xho (Xhosa), yid (Yiddish), yor (Yoruba), zho (Chinese), zul (Zulu).
Translation performance (speed): 4500 words per minute (WPM) on 16 CPU cores and 32 GB of RAM with an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 VRAM 16GB GPU.
Delivery method: Docker container with REST API and Web user interface.
3 responses
[…] Automated Translation […]
[…] Machine Translation engine capable of processing more than 50 languages, in any combination: Read more. […]
[…] The images were then processed with our AI OCR engines into machine-readable and editable formats, automatically translated into English, and indexed in a DSpace repository for researchers. Even more, all documents were […]