Named entities, categorized by type (people, organizations, locations, products, etc.), constitute the core factual information of any content. These engines extract named entities out of given text. All flavors described below are supporting the same list of entity types, see the following section.

Supported Entity Types
We are currently supporting the following complete list of Entity Types.
LOCATION | A city, state, country, region, building, monument, body of water, park, or address. |
ORGANIZATION | A corporation, institution, agency, or other group defined by an organizational structure. |
PERSON | A human identified by name, nickname, or alias. |
TITLE | Appellation associated with an occupation, office, or status. |
NATIONALITY | Reference to a country or region of origin. |
RELIGION | Reference to an organized religion or theology, as well as its followers. |
IDENTIFIER_CREDIT_CARD_NUM | Credit card numbers. |
IDENTIFIER_EMAIL | Email addresses. |
IDENTIFIER_MONEY | Currencies. |
IDENTIFIER_PERSONAL_ID_NUM | Personal identification numbers. |
IDENTIFIER_URL | Web addresses. |
IDENTIFIER_LATITUDE_LONGITUDE | Geographic locations in latitude and longitude coordinates. |
HASHTAG | Hashtags found inside an article. |
Usage Example
This is an example of calling the Entities Extractor on text in Romanian using simple curl:
curl -X 'POST' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"content": "Candidatul independent la Primăria Capitalei susţinut de USR, Nicuşor Dan, afirmă că bugetul Primăriei Municipiului Bucureşti pe 2020 \"nu are nicio legătură cu realitatea\", în condiţiile în care veniturile estimate – 7,2 miliarde de lei – sunt, ca şi în anii precedenţi, supraevaluate cu aproximativ 75%, transmite Agerpres.",
"language": "ron"
Calling the Entities Extractor as above will generate the simple JSON response below:
"entities": [
"entity": "Primăria Capitalei",
"count": 1,
"details": [
"score": 0.9728477001190186,
"start": 26,
"end": 44
"entity": "USR",
"count": 1,
"details": [
"score": 0.9944616556167603,
"start": 57,
"end": 60
"entity": "Nicuşor Dan",
"type": "PERSON",
"count": 1,
"details": [
"score": 0.9825072884559631,
"start": 62,
"end": 73
"entity": "Primăriei Municipiului Bucureşti",
"count": 1,
"details": [
"score": 0.9880717992782593,
"start": 93,
"end": 125
"entity": "2020",
"type": "TEMPORAL_DATE",
"count": 1,
"details": [
"score": 0.8982105255126953,
"start": 129,
"end": 133
"entity": "7,2 miliarde de lei",
"count": 1,
"details": [
"score": 0.9840089082717896,
"start": 217,
"end": 236
"entity": "Agerpres",
"count": 1,
"details": [
"score": 0.9890756011009216,
"start": 315,
"end": 323
XLU – Cross Language Understanding (40+ languages)
The Entity Extractor XLU is a versatile engine that generalizes for a lot of languages. That means that you can throw any language on it, even if the language is not officially listed. So, you could even try Farsi, if needed.
HW Requirements
Due to the large size of the model, we recommend running this engine in an environment equipped with an NVIDIA Graphical Processing Unit (GPU).
Minimum recommended requirements for the GPU:
- Type: NVIDIA Quadro
- RAM: 4041MB
Other minimum recommended requirements:
- 4xCPU
- RAM: 4GB
- HDD: 10GB
English Extended (XT)
This engine was trained specifically for the English language.
HW Requirements
Due to the large size of the model, we recommend running this engine in an environment equipped with an NVIDIA Graphical Processing Unit (GPU).
Minimum recommended requirements for the GPU:
- Type: NVIDIA Quadro
- RAM: 4041MB
Other minimum recommended requirements:
- 4xCPU
- RAM: 4GB
- HDD: 10GB
Romanian Extended (XT)
This engine was trained specifically for the Romanian language.
HW Requirements
Due to the large size of the model, we recommend running this engine in an environment equipped with an NVIDIA Graphical Processing Unit (GPU).
On the other hand, this engine was optimized for CPU-only environments using the ONNX accelerator for rapid inference. Please let us know your environment’s particularities to offer you the best engine flavor for it.
Minimum recommended requirements for the GPU:
- Type: NVIDIA Quadro
- RAM: 4041MB
Other minimum recommended requirements:
- 4xCPU
- RAM: 4GB
- HDD: 10GB
3 responses
[…] machines are utilized to benchmark Transformer engines, such as Named Entity Recognition. The throughputs obtained for this type of engine reached 1607 responses per minute, equivalent to […]
[…] AI Factory no-code Machine Learning dashboard offers training capabilities for Classification and Named Entity Recognition. Each option relies on different […]
[…] indexed in a DSpace repository for researchers. Even more, all documents were processed through our Named Entity Recognition engine, extracting names of people, organizations, locations, temporal references, and titles, used as […]